Emlak Katilim Mobil
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Current Accounts

Corporate - Current Accounts

It is an account type in which you can withdraw your money, in whole or in part, at any time and no return is paid to the account holder in return for such account. This account type can be opened through main branch in TL, foreign currency or precious metal.

You can perform the transactions below using your TL current account:

  • Money transfers (transfer, EFT, SWIFT)
  • Credit and credit card payments
  • Rental, Grant, Subscription Fee Payments
  • Check-Note Collections
  • Foreign Currency and Precious Metal Transactions
  • Future dated money transfers, regular payment orders and foreign currency and gold buying and selling transactions.

Foreign Currency Current Account

You can perform foreign currency transfers (transfer, EFT, SWIFT) and foreign currency buying and selling transactions using your foreign currency current account. Foreign currency accounts that may be opened at Emlak Katılım are as follows: USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, JPY, AUD, CAD, NOK, SEK, DKK, RUB, SAR, KWD, AED, QAR, BHD.

Precious Metal Current Accounts

You can open gold, silver and platinum current accounts at Emlak Katılım.

Gold current accounts have 99.5% (995/1000) and Silver and Platinum current accounts have 100% (1000/1000) purity grade.