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Credit Card

Emlak Katılım Paraf Credit Card

Emlak Katılım Paraf Card Features

  • Emlak Katılım Paraf credit card allows you to shop easily with its internet shopping and contactless feature.
  • The minimum payment amount is the entire statement debt.
  • There is no cash advance limit.
  • You can pay your card debt through our branches, internet and mobile branches, our Customer Contact Center at 0850 222 26 26 or by EFT from other banks. Our bank is not responsible for collections made from non-contracted payment points other than the specified channels.
  • You can get your card password from our internet or mobile branches and our customer contact center.
  • Contractual Profit Share and Maximum Overdue Penalty Rates for Credit Card Transactions are given in the table below.
Contractual Profit Share and Maximum Overdue Penalty Rates for Credit Card Transactions
Monthly Contractual Dividend Rate 0%
Annual Contractual Dividend Rate 0%
Monthly Overdue Penalty Period debt below 25.000 TRY 3.80%
Period debt between 25.000 TRY - 150.000 TRY 4.55%
Period debt above 150.000 TRY 5.05%
Annual Overdue Penalty Period debt below 25.000 TRY 45.60%
Period debt between 25.000 TRY - 150.000 TRY 54.60%
Period debt above 150.000 TRY 60.6%