Emlak Katilim Mobil
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School Instalment System (SIS)

School Instalment System (SIS)

This is a system which enables the collection of tuition fees from an account to be opened on behalf of the students’ parents and transfer of such amounts to the institution's account.
Emlak Katılım opens a non-cash loan to the parents deemed eligible for the payment of tuition fees of private schools, universities and other teaching institutions and offers a comprehensive service in terms of collection and payment of such amounts to the educational institution’s account.

The main features of the School Instalment System are as follows:

  • Emlak Katılım installs the capital amount in the financing it provides. If it is not paid in due time, it automatically becomes overdue.
  • The School Instalment System guarantees all instalments on the payment plan of approved customers.
  • With a full guarantee, you are free from the risk of failing to pay your instalments and you save time in your collections.
  • No fee such as a commission, contribution, etc. will be deducted from educational institutions for the transactions within the system. The exact instalment amount is deposited into the institution’s account.
  • No fee such as a profit share, commission, etc. will be deducted from the parents’ account for the transactions within the system. You only pay the exact instalment amount.
  • The educational institution does not need to deal with monetary transactions but uses all its energy in education and training.
  • Thanks to the online system established by Emlak Katılım for university registration, it is not necessary for the student's parents to arrive at the university to make payment. The customers can make the payment transactions in Turkey online from all Emlak Katılım branches.